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Pregnancy Test

Pregnancy Test

A blood test for hCG can be done as soon as 10 days after conception to help determine if you are pregnant.

After conception, a fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tube and into the uterus, where it must implant into the uterine lining. Implantation generally occurs about 6 to 12 days after conception. It is during this process that the placenta begins to form and produce human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone, which plays a crucial role in supporting the early stages of pregnancy, is released into the bloodstream and can be detected in a blood test shortly after implantation.

Who should take this test?

This test is intended for the early detection of pregnancy, typically within 6 to 12 days after conception. It offers valuable information to individuals trying to conceive or those who want to confirm pregnancy as early as possible.

What is included in this test?

This blood test screens for:

  • Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

This quantitative hCG test provides a precise measurement of hCG levels.

How will taking this test benefit me?

While the exact timing of hCG detection can vary from person to person, it is often before a missed period. The hCG blood test offers the earliest possible confirmation of pregnancy.

Additionally, the precise measurement of hCG levels allows healthcare providers to monitor the progression of a pregnancy, identify potential issues (such as ectopic or molar pregnancies), and provide timely medical interventions when needed, ultimately ensuring early prenatal care and peace of mind for expectant parents.

Pregnancy Test


Results available in: 1-2 Days

A blood test for hCG can be done as soon as 10 days after conception to help determine if you are pregnant.

Specimen Type: blood draw
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Specimen Type: {{test.specimen_type.specimenType}} Requires Fasting


Specimen Type: {{test.specimen_type.specimenType}} Requires Fasting
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