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When we think about the damage that alcohol intake causes to the body, our minds often go to the liver. But did you know that there's a connection between alcohol and heart disease?
It's true that some sources suggest that moderate drinking (especially if you're consuming red wine) can offer certain health benefits to the heart muscle, like reducing your risk of dying from heart disease.
However, there are two main problems here.
The first is that it's difficult to prove cause and effect. Does drinking red wine lead to a stronger heart muscle, or do red wine drinkers share another variable in common—like access to healthier food—that puts them at a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease?
The second issue is that indulging in alcoholic beverages certainly isn't the only (potential) way to protect and strengthen your heart muscle. In fact, it might be the least desirable way. Consistently eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of physical activity, and finding safe ways to cope with stress will offer far more benefits than any alcohol consumption ever could.
Ultimately, you shouldn't assume that drinking red wine is safe, nor should you start to drink alcohol (any alcohol) for the supposed health advantages.
Before we can talk about the relationship between alcohol and heart disease, we have to define two key terms: moderate alcohol consumption and heavy drinking.
Most healthcare providers consider moderate intake as one drink per day for women or one to two for men. This means roughly 12 ounces of beer, four ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof alcohol per drink.
Heavy drinking/binge drinking is widely considered to be eight or more drinks per week for women and 15 or more drinks per week for men.
When it comes to moderate intake, there's still a debate surrounding how risky it really is. Some say that a drink a day can't feasibly do that much damage and could even offer certain benefits, depending on what exactly you're drinking.
However, other sources say that the bad outweighs the good, and even moderate alcohol consumption can lead to health problems, compared to no alcohol consumption.
Unlike moderate drinking, not only does binge drinking not provide any benefits but you're almost guaranteed to experience health problems such as high blood pressure, palpitations, arrhythmias, heart failure, stroke, and cardiomyopathy, where some of the heart structures may change shape. Because alcohol is a depressant, binge drinking can also slow your heart rate and breathing.
It's not only heart disease you have to consider, either. Other health problems associated with binge drinking include obesity, liver disease, digestive problems, and a weakened immune system.
Heavy alcohol intake offers no benefits to the drinker, so if you're going to indulge in alcoholic beverages, it's best to do so as little as possible.
Whether or not the damage to the heart is permanent depends on a few factors, including how long you've been drinking and how heavy your alcohol intake has been over the years.
For instance, if you're experiencing alcohol-induced cardiomyopathy, which can lead to heart failure and other problems, you could potentially improve your condition by stopping all alcohol intake. However, depending on the severity of your situation, medication and even surgery might be needed.
It's never a bad idea to stop all alcohol use, though. Remember, it's not just about blood pressure or coronary heart disease. Reducing or eliminating your alcohol consumption can work wonders for your mind and body in more ways than one.
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In a perfect world, we probably don't drink alcohol. However, this is a similar discussion to eating fast food. Ideally, you never eat fast food...but if you enjoy it every once in a while, will it hurt you? Probably not.
The idea, then, is to drink alcohol minimally or in moderation. Keep in mind that we all process alcohol differently, so you should listen to how your body responds. If a couple of glasses of wine at Happy Hour leave you feeling sluggish with a headache, drink less alcohol next time! If you feel icky after beer but delightfully at peace after a glass of red, then maybe your body just doesn't like beer.
The relationship between alcohol intake and heart disease is undeniable. Your blood pressure, heart, wallet, and waistline will all suffer due to heavy alcohol intake. The best time to cut back is now!
What are your triggers? Are you more likely to drink alcohol when you're with certain people or in specific environments? Will you be less tempted to drink alcohol if you don’t keep any in your home?
Set yourself up for success and remove those triggers. While it might be a difficult adjustment at first—and while one drink here and there won't cause much harm—you stand to gain a lot when you quit binge drinking. Life is just as fun sober.