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2023-08-25 21:03:25

Ashwagandha for Testosterone: What Impact Does it Have?

Ashwagandha has certainly made a name for itself. The purported health benefits of this alternative medicine include relief from chronic stress and improved physical and mental health; better regulating reproductive hormone levels; supporting fertility; bumping production of luteinizing hormone; and addressing erectile dysfunction by improving libido and sexual health, to name a few.

If you're looking to utilize ashwagandha supplementation specifically to boost testosterone levels, what can you expect? Does it work? How exactly are ashwagandha and testosterone related?

Additionally, what other changes might you notice if you start supplementing with it?

What is Ashwagandha, Exactly?

Ashwagandha is one of the most prominent herbs — thousands of years old! — in Ayurvedic medicine, which is a type of alternative medicine rooted in the Indian principles of natural healing. In fact, some people call it "Indian ginseng."

Due to the aroma of the herb and how it can reportedly help improve strength, the name comes from the Sanskrit word for "smell of the horse." The plant itself is a smaller shrub with yellow flowers.

Mainly, it's ashwagandha root extract, or extract from the leaves, that's used for ashwagandha supplementation. However, the plant material can also be turned into a powder.

How Does Ashwagandha Root Extract Impact Testosterone?

Now that you know a little more about this herb, let's get to the next important question: What on earth do ashwagandha and testosterone levels have to do with each other?

Let's start with the basics. Ashwagandha has antioxidative properties. This means it can help to protect your body from oxidative damage. In a nutshell, this also means that by default, it can protect the health of the testes and thus, boost testosterone levels.

Furthermore, ashwagandha can also increase the production of luteinizing hormone. In men, luteinizing hormone is what triggers your body to increase testosterone levels.

So, ashwagandha supports luteinizing hormone, which then supports testosterone levels.

But What Does Science Say?

Well, let's start with how it impacts sexual health. In one study, researchers gave adult males the aphrodisiac property of ashwagandha root extract to see if it would improve their sexual desire.

The participants experienced a significant improvement in their sexual well-being. The ashwagandha also helped to increase testosterone levels.

man and woman kissing

Another 16-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study found that participants who were given ashwagandha supplementation saw an 18% increase in DHEA-S (a male sex hormone that both men and women have) and a 14.7% increase in testosterone levels, compared to the placebo group.

But what does this all mean?

Why is Testosterone Production So Important?

Your testosterone levels play an important role in many of your bodily processes. And, importantly, this isn't only significant for men. Women absolutely create and need testosterone. In fact, most women have higher testosterone levels than estrogen levels!

In men, Indian ginseng impacts not just sex drive but also plays a role in boosting muscle mass and muscle strength, controlling fat distribution, and producing red blood cells and sperm.

It doesn't end there. If your testosterone levels are off, your mental health could take a hit too. We're talking about mood swings, mild fatigue, and chronic stress.

woman feeling stressed

The Relationships Between Hormones

Don't forget, too, that testosterone production can also have an effect on what your other hormones are doing.

For example, when your testosterone levels increase, that sends a signal to your hypothalamus to slow down on producing something called gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Then, the production of luteinizing hormone by the pituitary gland is also suppressed.

What this means is that if your testosterone production is off, there could be a significant ripple effect. Inadequate testosterone levels — whether they're too high or too low — could lead to all sorts of adverse events. Healthy testosterone levels are vital to your health.

And that's where ashwagandha extract comes in!

How Can You Tell if Your Testosterone Levels Are Low?

Any symptoms you're feeling are a good place to start. However, the only reliable way to check your reproductive hormone levels is through bloodwork.

Many of eNational's Men's Health and Women's Health panels check your testosterone levels. Results are usually delivered within seven business days.

eNational Testing has more than 2,000 locations across the United States. You can order your test online in just a few clicks, and you don't need to visit your healthcare provider first. Find a testing center near you!

3 Other Benefits of Ashwagandha

This herb can be helpful in supporting testosterone production. But that's not where it ends!

We've already mentioned a few other health benefits of this dietary supplement, but let's dive into them a little more. Because ashwagandha can increase testosterone and more, you might also experience these things.

1. It Can Be a Great Addition to Your Sports Nutrition

Your sports nutrition might include creatine and protein powder, but you might want to add ashwagandha extract to your diet and resistance training routine.

In one study, males who took 600mg of ashwagandha each day, along with participating in resistance training, saw significant improvements in muscle strength, compared to the placebo group.

two men flexing

In another analysis of 12 studies, people who took ashwagandha root extract each day (120mg-1,250mg) saw improved muscle strength, oxygen use, and physical performance.

If this herb isn't yet part of your sports nutrition, maybe it should be! (Always talk to your healthcare provider before trying a new supplement.)

2. Ashwagandha Can Offer Mental Health Benefits

In one study with participants who had schizophrenia, ashwagandha root extract helped reduce anxiety and depression. Other research — a placebo-controlled study — found that the herb could improve cognitive functions in people with bipolar disorder.

More research is needed, but from what we can see so far, an ashwagandha supplement could lead to significant improvements in reducing chronic stress, boosting mood, and regulating feelings.

smiling man wearing sunglasses

3. You Might Sleep Better

Too many Americans are walking around exhausted. In one study, participants who took ashwagandha experienced improved sleep quality and better alertness when they woke up, compared to the placebo group.

Another review echoed similar findings, adding that the herb can also help to reduce anxiety. So, if you need to reduce stress before you can get to sleep, ashwagandha can help.

Consuming ashwagandha for testosterone is not uncommon. However, we encourage you to think of the many other benefits that this Ayurvedic medicine offers!

Ashwagandha root might also help you find relief from chronic stress, improve your muscle mass, give your cognitive function a nudge, lead to an overall healthier reproductive system, and more.

Other Ways to Boost Testosterone

Ayurvedic medicine isn't the only way to boost testosterone levels. Here are some suggestions!

These are good habits to practice in general, not just for supporting your testosterone levels. And on a similar note...

How to Make Supplements Work Better for You

Remember that a supplement is not a replacement for your own healthy habits! This means maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We hate to sound like a broken record, but these few points bear repeating.

Alternative Medicine as Part of Your Preventative Health Approach

Alternative medicine and traditional Western medicine make for a great friendship. The effects of ashwagandha are clear — whether you want to boost testosterone levels, improve your muscle mass, increase your muscle strength, feel better mentally, or catch some much-needed ZZZs.

Talk to your healthcare provider and see if this herb might be a good addition to your other healthy lifestyle habits.