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Every single day, more than one million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are spread across the world. Alarmingly, most of these are asymptomatic — meaning they show no warning signs. STIs and STDs can happen to anyone. Furthermore, if left undetected and untreated, STDs can lead to other health complications that can range from dangerous to fatal. Thus, staying on top of your sexual health is vital to your overall wellness. Here’s how you can do that with eNational Testing’s selection of STD tests and panels.
This is the most complete insight you can gain into your sexual health, covering both viral and bacterial STDs. This panel looks for the 10 most common STDs: HIV 1 and 2, herpes types 1 and 2, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and hepatitis A, B, and C. We check for all of these STDs via a blood draw, with the exception of chlamydia and gonorrhea, which require a urine specimen.
Whereas the 10-test panels cover the most common viral and bacterial sexually transmitted diseases, the four-test panel focuses on the most common bacterial STDs specifically, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas, and syphilis. While syphilis requires a blood draw, the others are tested through a urine specimen.
These STDs are more common, yes, but they’re also treatable! This is why getting tested is so important.
In addition to our comprehensive panels, you can also opt to order individual STD tests. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomonas are tested through a urine sample, while hepatitis A/B/C, herpes types 1 and 2, HIV 1 and 2, HIV early detection, and syphilis are tested through a blood sample. The time it takes to get your results back varies but ranges from one to five business days.
Ordering your STD test with eNational Testing is quick and easy, and you don’t even need to see your primary care physician beforehand. First, choose the test or panel you want, and then select the most convenient testing location for you. We have more than 2,000 locations around the country, so we’re never too far away.
Then, simply visit the lab of your choice for your test, and you’ll receive your results securely via email. It’s that simple! We make the experience as convenient and simple as possible.
STDs don’t discriminate. All it takes is one intimate encounter — even with someone you know and trust — to contract or spread a sexually transmitted disease. Because many STDs don’t display any symptoms, individuals unknowingly and unintentionally spread them to others, even in their own monogamous relationships.
Knowing the status of your sexual health — and having an open and transparent conversation about it with your partner(s) — is vital for keeping you (and them) healthy and reducing the chances of reinfection. Whether you think you’ve been exposed to an STD or you just want a general screening to confirm your current status, eNational Testing can help.
The name is deceiving because STDs can put more than your sexual health at risk. If left untreated, they can lead to more serious consequences, including blindness, other neurologic problems, infertility, birth defects, and mother-to-child transmission. HIV attacks the immune system and makes it weaker, which can leave the individual vulnerable to other life-threatening infections and diseases. It can then spiral into AIDs. This virus never leaves the body.
The conversation becomes even more alarming when you consider how easy it is to spread STDs to others. Penetrative sex isn’t the only vehicle of transmission. Genital herpes, syphilis, and human papillomavirus (HPV) more commonly spread via genital skin-to-skin contact, even without penetration. HIV, gonorrhea, and chlamydia can spread through sexual fluids. And HIV and hepatitis B spread through blood. Even harmless kissing can spread herpes 1 and HPV.
As you can see, it doesn’t take much to spread an STD, even accidentally. It doesn’t take multiple partners or even multiple sexual encounters with one person. One instance of skin-to-skin contact can be enough.
While the only surefire way to protect yourself from STDs and avoid spreading them to others is to abstain from intimacy, there are other habits you can adopt to keep yourself and your partners safe:
The best times to get tested are when you’re in a new relationship, if you decide to have multiple partners, if you previously tested positive for an STD, if you have unprotected sex, or if you begin experiencing new symptoms.
There is no shame in getting tested! Staying on top of your sexual health is one of the best things you can do for yourself and the people you’re intimate with. Order your STD test or panel with eNational Testing today.