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eNational Testing’s individual tests are essential for individuals with chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease. Regular lab testing helps track disease progression and treatment efficacy. eNational Testing’s individual test offerings can also help identify targeted health issues, even before symptoms manifest.
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Urine test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, the two most prevalent bacterial STDs. While infected users can often have no visible symptoms, these infections can result in serious health concerns if left untreated. In most cases, both conditions can be cured with proper treatment.
This common, wide-range screening test analyzes blood components and features. A CBC can determine anomalies with your red and white blood cells and platelets among several other blood features, which can help with the detection of bleeding disorders, infections, anemia, and blood cancers.
Cortisol levels are directly linked to blood pressure and stress. High cortisol levels can potentially lead to further health complications in the future.
Estradiol, one of the main components of estrogen, can assist in monitoring ovarian health. This test can also help with the detection of menopause and potentially diagnose the cause of fertility issues.
Ferritin measures how well iron is being stored, and is often used to test for iron-deficiency anemia.
A Hemoglobin A1c test reflects the three-month average of glucose levels in your blood, so it is useful in the detection and monitoring of diabetes. Early detection of pre-diabetes can help you take preventative measures.
The Hepatic Function Panel is a group of blood tests that assesses liver function through the measurement of liver-related enzymes and proteins.
Hepatitis A is caused by the Hepatitis A virus which infects the liver and the virus sheds in high concentrations in the feces from 2-3 weeks before to 1 week after the onset of symptoms. Hepatitis A can be transmitted during sexual activity from fecal-oral contact. Good personal hygiene is not a successful method of preventing Hepatitis A.
This anti-HAV assay is indicated as an aid in the diagnosis of previous or ongoing hepatitis A viral infection or in the identification of HAV-susceptible individuals for vaccination
This virus is transmitted through blood and bodily fluids, such as with sexual exposure, tattoos, or use of/exposure to contaminated needles. The incubation period is 6 weeks to 6 months.
This test is useful for quantitative (i.e. titer) evaluation of possible immunity in individuals who are at increased risk for exposure to hepatitis B (i.e. hemodialysis unit personnel, venipuncturists, etc.). This test can be used to evaluate the need for hepatitis B immune globulin after needlestick injury, to evaluate the need for hepatitis B vaccine and to follow immune status after hepatitis B vaccination.
This lab tests for the antibody to hepatitis C, which can appear as early as 4 weeks after exposure. Similar to hepatitis B, this virus is transmitted through blood and bodily fluids, such as with sexual exposure or use of/exposure to contaminated needles.
Detects immunoglobulins within the blood, indicating previous exposure to the HSV-2 which are generally rectal/genital lesions.
Through the measurement of hs-CRP levels, this test can help determine if the user is potentially at risk for cardiovascular and/or peripheral vascular disease.
A blood test recommended for the initial screening to detect both acute and primary infections of the HIV-1 and HIV-2 virus through the measurement of antibodies and antigens in the bloodstream.
HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is a sexually transmitted disease which affects the immune system and can potentially cause an infected person to be easily prone to infections and certain types of cancer. HIV can be transmitted by blood, blood products, sexual fluids, and breast milk. Most people are infected by sexual contact, birth to an infected mother, during breastfeeding, or from sharing contaminated needles and syringes. There are two types, HIV-1 and HIV-2. Usually, HIV in the United States is HIV-1.This test is recommended for the early diagnosis of HIV-1 infection. It can detect HIV-1 in a 9-11 day "window period" or after.
This test is used to assist in the determination of risk for stroke, heart disease, and other cardiovascular diseases through the identification of deficiencies in B6, B12, and Folate.
The Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1) test is a valuable tool in assessing growth disorders and evaluating the growth hormone (GH) axis, which play an essential role in growth and development.
This panel is essential for helping to determine heart health and for the potential early identification of cardiovascular disease. Not only is total cholesterol measured, the test also provides the ratio of LDL (known as "bad cholesterol") to HDL (known as "good cholesterol"). The test can provide an evaluation of hyperlipidemia, which can help determine the level of coronary artery disease risk.
You may need to determine your immunity to Measles, Mumps and Rubella if you are a healthcare worker, because you may come in contact with children and adults who have measles, mumps, or rubella. You may also have this test if you are planning to become pregnant or are pregnant.
A blood test for hCG can be done as soon as 10 days after conception to help determine if you are pregnant.
This tests progesterone levels, which are critical in preparing a woman’s body for pregnancy. Test can also offer analysis of ovulation and infertility causation, and can potentially also assist in the diagnosis of adrenal gland problems.
The PSA test measures proteins produced by the prostate gland, and can be beneficial in the early detection of prostate cancer.
The QuantiFERON test is used to detect exposure to tuberculosis and/or active infection.
Test used to determine a person's immunity to rabies virus.
One of the more common sexually transmitted infections, symptoms can vary in a variety of ways that make Syphilis difficult to diagnose. TPA tests like this decrease the rate of false positives, due to the specificity with which antibodies are measured.
The Free and Total test measures both kinds of testosterone. Free Testosterone measures active testosterone, while the Total includes testosterone that is bound to proteins.
Male sex hormone test intended to assist in the detection of pituatary abnormalities and imbalances. This test can diagnose causes for erectile dysfunction, puberty problems, and other testicular issues.
Trichomoniasis is the most common and curable STD In the United States. This urine test identifies a parasitic infection that can affect both women and men. Commonly linked to vaginitis, what begins as mild discomfort can end up resulting in severe health complications.
Thyroid screening that tests for thyroid stimulating hormone, providing visibility into overall thyroid function.
Standard test used to determine a person’s immunity to chicken pox.
This test measures Vitamin B12 to determine deficiency, a state that can potentially cause harm to both the brain and nerves. Lack of B12 could also be related to fatigue and muscle weakness.
This test can potentially help identify Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency can possibly lead to serious health issues including osteoporosis, bone/muscle weakness, and heart disease.
The 8 Test STD Panel with Early Detection HIV not only tests the eight most common STDs, but also includes the HIV Early Detection RNA test, allowing visibility into HIV infection status in a shorter timeframe post exposure. This panel provides specific, actionable test results for indviduals who are experiencing symptoms, have concerns about their sexual health, or who would like to confirm a clean bill of health. Even when no physical symptoms are present, infections can be present and can be transmitted to others.
While the Standard Metabolic Health Panel is suitable for people wanting a streamlined set of health insights, eNational Testing's Advanced Metabolic Health Panel is recommended for those who want a complete picture of their metabolism. This panel offers comprehensive information on major organs such as heart, liver, kidney, and brain, and a thorough inspection of your cardiovascular system, thyroid function, and possible vitamin deficiencies.
This comprehensive, in-depth screening provides you with a complete understanding of your cardiac health. It provides early insight into your risk of heart attack, stroke, cardiovascular diseases, and much more. This series of tests will provide information on your cholesterol, vitamin levels, inflammations, clotting-related issues, iron levels, body fat measurements, and other heart-related hormone levels.
This essential test is used to detect early-stage colon cancer through the analysis of stool for microscopic blood fragments.
Food sensitivities impact far more people than most realize - up to 10% of the population. While people are typically aware of severe allergies, most people with sensitivities suffer only mild discomfort and may have no idea that they are intolerant of certain foods. eNational Testing's comprehensive food sensitivity panel tests for the majority of the most commonly encountered food allergies.
For individuals with chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease regular lab testing helps track disease progression and can improve treatment efficacy. Ongoing monitoring allows individuals to adjust treatment plans, implement lifestyle changes, and make necessary medication modifications to achieve better disease management.
Regular lab testing can provide peace of mind, as it gives individuals an understanding of their health status, while confirming that they are proactively managing their well-being.
Timing of testing can vary based on factors such as presence of any symptoms, when the possible exposure occurred, and other risk factors. If a more specific answer is needed, please consult with a health care provider for better guidance.
If you have concerns about exposure to one STD, then you are at risk for possible exposure to all STDs and should have a comprehensive panel of STD testing.
No, alcohol and drugs will have no effect on the results of your STD tests.
Women are typically tested for HPV during pap smear exams. There is no test for HPV in men.
Our STD tests utilize blood and urine samples. Gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomonas are accurately tested via urine and the others are tested via blood.
Yes, menstruation will not affect the accuracy of any STD test you choose.
Yes, your results will be securely emailed to you. Unique identifying information is required to view your results.
No, the typical turnaround time for most results is 2-3 business days.
Various factors, such as age, presence of symptoms, and number of sexual partners, can be used to determine the most appropriate testing interval for you. Some people may test as frequently as every 3 months, while others may test annually. Consult with a health care provider for guidance tailored to you.
No, incubation periods vary depending on type of infection. For HIV: 2-6 weeks, syphilis: 1-3 months, herpes: 2-12 days, chlamydia: 1-3 weeks, gonorrhea: 2-3 days, hepatitis B: 1-5 months, hepatitis C: 2-6 months, trichomonas: 5-28 days
Your test results show current and active infections only. If your results are negative but you know you are at risk from recent exposure, it is recommended to repeat the test in 3 weeks and again in 3-6 months.
Early detection syphilis testing can detect syphilis as soon as 2 weeks after possible exposure compared to 4 weeks to 3 months with the standard syphilis test. Early detection HIV testing can detect HIV as soon as 9-11 days after possible exposure compared to 2-6 weeks with a standard HIV test.
If your results are abnormal, you will have the opportunity to speak with a healthcare provider to discuss those results and receive guidance on next steps.
Most results are received in 2-3 business days on average depending on the test(s) that are selected.
Annual or more frequent wellness testing will help determine your current health state and potentially identify health concerns that may need to be addressed.
Not necessarily. This test is just one marker used to determine the health of a person's colon.
Not necessarily. If this test panel reveals abnormalities, follow up with a healthcare provider for further evaluation, interpretation, and guidance.
If your results are abnormal, you will have the opportunity to speak with a healthcare provider to discuss those results and receive guidance on next steps.
If you are having health concerns and your test results are normal, you should follow up with a healthcare provider to discuss your concerns and obtain guidance on further steps or monitoring.
All the panels are beneficial to help determine a person's current health state. The panel you select should be based on each person's individual health needs and the level of comprehensive evaluation they are looking for.
Most results are received in 2-3 business days on average depending on the test(s) that are selected.
If your results are abnormal, you will have the opportunity to speak with a healthcare provider to discuss those results and receive guidance on next steps.
Not necessarily. This test is just one marker used to determine the health of a person's prostate.
Like women, men experience hormonal changes as they age, and these changes can produce noticeable symptoms. However, this is not typically referred to as menopause, nor is it an exact equivalent. Men produce less and less testerone gradually as they age, while some men are not significantly affected by decreased testosterone production, others may experience decreased sex drive, fatigue, decreased muscle mass, depression, mood swings, or erectile dysfunction.
If your results are abnormal, you will have the opportunity to speak with a healthcare provider to discuss those results and receive guidance on next steps.
If you are having health concerns and your test results are normal, you should follow up with a healthcare provider to discuss your concerns and obtain guidance on further steps or monitoring.
All the panels are beneficial to help determine a person's current health state. The panel you select should be based on your individual health needs and the level of evaluation you are looking for.
Most results are received in 2-3 business days on average depending on the test(s) that are selected.
Not necessarily. If this test panel reveals abnormalities, follow up with a healthcare provider for further evaluation, interpretation, and guidance.
Not necessarily. If any of these tests reveal abnormalities, follow up with a healthcare provider for further evaluation, interpretation, and guidance.
You should follow -up with an Ob/Gyn.
If your results are abnormal, you will have the opportunity to speak with a healthcare provider to discuss those results and receive guidance on next steps.
Most results are received in 3-4 business days.
If you have experienced an allergic reaction, but you’re unsure of the cause, allergy testing is the best way to identify that or rule out potential causes.
Not necessarily. Follow up with a healthcare provider for further evaluation, interpretation, and guidance.
Possibly, but it is best to follow up with a healthcare provider for guidance and resources.
Urine drug tests can detect drugs taken up to seven days ago or even longer, depending on frequency of drug use. Hair drug testing can detect drugs taken up to 90 days ago.
In order for the lab to be able to accurately test a hair sample it must be at least 2 inches in length if taken from the head or enough to form a cotton ball sized amount if taken anywhere else from the body. Head hair cannot be combined with hair taken from other parts of the body.
A medical review officer, or MRO, is a doctor who has been specially trained to interpret drug test results.
Drug testing is typically done for reasons such as employment screening or substance abuse treatment monitoring, but some people may just be curious about whether drugs can be detected in their bodies.
Drug testing is relatively common in certain industries like transportation, healthcare, and government. Many large corporations and safety-sensitive positions may also conduct drug testing as part of their hiring process and during employment to ensure that employees are complying with drug-free workplace policies
The impact of testing positive for marijuana in a state where it is legalized will depend on several factors, including the specific laws in your state, your employer's policies, the nature of your job, and the industry in which you work. It is important to review not only your state's marijuana laws, but your employer's policies and any employment contracts or agreements you have signed.
Results take about 1-3 business days on average. Refer to individual test descriptions for specific turnaround times.
Payment is required through our secure website prior to creating your testing order.
Make sure to drink plenty of water prior to your collection! If fasting is required, this will be shown on your order.
Appointments are not required, but may minimize wait time at the lab. Call the number on your requisition form to book an appointment.
Lab results will be emailed to you as a PDF file for easy access.
If your results are abnormal, you will have the opportunity to speak with a healthcare provider to discuss those results and receive guidance on next steps
Your requisition form will be emailed to you automatically after completing your eNational testing order.
You don’t have to see your doctor because we have licensed physicians in all 50 states to authorize testing.
Results are received in just one business day.
Yes, you should fast for at least 10-12 hours prior to testing.
It measures your average sugar levels over the past three months.
If your results are abnormal, you will have the opportunity to speak with a healthcare provider to discuss those results and receive guidance on next steps.
Our diabetes screenings require a blood sample.
Diabetes is a chronic medical condition characterized by high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood, either because the body does not produce enough insulin (a hormone that regulates blood sugar) or because it doesn’t respond properly to the insulin that is produced. If left untreated, diabetes can lead to organ damage.
Depending on your profession or employment setting, your employer may want to know if you have been exposed to tuberculosis (TB) and if you are experiencing an active infection making you capable of spreading the infection to others.
TB is a serious respiratory condition that is spread via respiratory droplets in the air produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, speaks, or sings.
Depending on the titer test you choose, abnormal titer results mean that your immune system is not adequately equipped to respond and fight off that particular infection if exposed.
Quantiferon TB results typically take 3-5 business days and titer results typically take 2-3 business days.