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2024-08-30 21:32:41

What Does it Mean to Be Lactose Intolerant?

Roughly 68% of the world's population cannot digest lactose properly. If you're one of them, you might be wondering what lactose intolerance even is. What does it mean to have a lactose intolerance issue? What symptoms of lactose intolerance should you look out for? If you can't comfortably consume dairy foods, is there anything you can do about it?

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2024-07-30 20:46:54

How Many People Have Heart Disease in the US?

You likely know someone with cardiovascular disease (CVD), and there's a reason why: It's the leading cause of death globally among men, women, and most races and ethnicities, and it has been for 100 years. In this blog, we're more closely examining the numbers behind cardiovascular diseases — deaths, associated costs, and more.

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2024-06-28 21:05:03

Colorectal Cancer Statistics: How Many People Have CRC?

Colorectal cancer (CRC) can start in either the colon or the rectum. This is why it might also be called colon cancer or rectal cancer. Commonly, healthcare workers combine the two because they share many characteristics.

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2024-06-24 21:22:22

What Are the Types of Diabetes?

You've probably heard of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes — characterized by problems with blood sugar — but did you know that there are others? Yes, diabetes mellitus can come in many forms. In this blog, we talk about the various types of diabetes, what they look like, who might be at an increased risk of developing diabetes, and more.

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2024-05-28 15:25:14

How Many People Have Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease (also known as celiac sprue) is an autoimmune disorder. It happens when an individual ingests gluten — a protein found in certain grains — and experiences damage to the small intestine. In this blog, we're exploring how many individuals in the United States have celiac disease, some of the more prominent celiac disease symptoms, the risk factors, and more.

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2024-05-19 22:01:56

How Common is Diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus, more commonly called diabetes, is a chronic condition that impacts how your body turns food into energy. Blood glucose levels become too high as it is not used up properly, as a result of the body not producing enough insulin (or any insulin).

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2024-04-24 22:03:29

Which States Have the Highest STD-Positive Test Results?

Every year, more than a million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are acquired around the world. Startlingly, many of these people are asymptomatic, meaning they display no symptoms, making the spread of these diseases easier. 

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2024-04-15 22:04:02

How Many People Get Syphilis Every Year?

At any given time, millions of people in the United States are dealing with a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Syphilis is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Approximately how many people get syphilis each year in the United States? Are certain groups of individuals disproportionately impacted? This blog will explore these questions and more.

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2024-04-07 22:00:24

What are Common Signs of an STD?

Sometimes, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) don't show any signs. However, very often, symptoms occur in the infected person. In this blog, we're talking about the most common STD symptoms individuals should be aware of and on the lookout for.

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2024-03-19 22:03:19

How Long Do STDs Last?

As many as one in five people in the United States have a sexually transmitted disease, with over 60 million infections a year costing billions of dollars in medical care. While some STDs will go away with the proper treatment, others are lifelong. In this blog, we’ll discuss how long STDs last and what treatment might look like.

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2023-12-06 21:28:29

Can You Have Caffeine Before Allergy Testing?

We've talked before about whether or not you need to fast before a thyroid test. What about allergy testing? Can you consume your normal foods and beverages, or could certain things impact your allergy test results?

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2023-11-21 21:30:23

Fasting for Thyroid Test: Is it Necessary?

So, you have a thyroid test coming up. Do you need to fast for it? Let's talk about how different types of thyroid tests work, the purpose of fasting before a blood test, and what your thyroid hormone levels might indicate.

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2023-11-16 21:00:43

Winter Allergies: How to Feel Better This Season

When we think of seasonal allergies, we typically imagine the itchy eyes and runny nose that come with the springtime, often caused by western ragweed pollen. (Learn more about western ragweed in our blog post.) However, winter allergies are real!

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2023-11-12 21:02:10

12 Myths About Breastfeeding (And the Truth Behind Them)

All breastfeeding mothers need to do is a quick Google search, and they're going to run into myths, misconceptions, and misinformation about producing breast milk. In this article, we're covering some of the most common myths about breastfeeding and what nursing mothers need to know!

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2023-10-26 22:05:04

What is TSH Reflex and Why Does it Matter?

Your thyroid gland might be tiny, but it's got a big job to do. Many of us get yearly blood tests to determine if our thyroid function is healthy and if not, what we need to do to fix it. Your blood test results might give you all sorts of information. Namely, you might see something called "TSH reflex." What does this mean and how can you tell if you're in the normal range?

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2023-10-23 19:43:59

Testosterone Levels by Age: What Does the Hormone Do?

You're likely somewhat familiar with testosterone, the male sex hormone. (Females have testosterone too, though!) Healthy testosterone levels are important for building and maintaining muscle mass, sperm production, bone density, hair growth, sex drive, and living an overall healthy lifestyle.

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2023-10-10 23:01:17

Western Ragweed and Your Allergy Symptoms

Itchy eyes. A runny nose. Constant sneezing. Your allergies are acting up and you don't know why. It could be western ragweed that's triggering your allergy symptoms.

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2023-10-15 23:35:30

Can You Do Allergy Testing at Home?

If the sniffles, sneezing, and watery eyes are getting the best of you, then you might consider using an allergy test kit right at home to see what could be causing these unwanted symptoms. Or maybe you're looking at food allergy testing from the comfort of home, instead, since after every meal, you're left with horrible hives and gastrointestinal issues.

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2023-10-02 17:13:30

Pre-diabetes: Are You at Risk?

So, you're having issues with your blood sugar levels and you worry you might actually be experiencing diabetic symptoms. How can you be certain? And, if you are indeed experiencing challenges with your blood sugar levels, what can you do about it?

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2023-09-21 23:33:39

The Progesterone-to-Estrogen Ratio

Hormones are tricky chemicals, and they constantly change as we get older!

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2023-09-14 23:36:18

Do You Need a Food Allergy Panel?

You drink a glass of cow's milk and end up with stomach pain. Tree nuts leave you covered in hives. You obsessively check the food labels before you consume even a bite. It sounds like you might be experiencing food allergies or intolerances.

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2023-09-07 17:12:41

Celiac Disease Quiz: What Do Your Symptoms Mean?

So, any time you eat foods that contain gluten, you don't feel so great after. Understandably, you suspect you might have celiac disease and should start following a strict gluten-free diet.

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